Thursday, August 21, 2008

Guy & Glen, Part II

EMI chief Guy Hands must hate Glen Campbell, whose "Meet Glen Campbell" has dropped like a ton of country bricks on the doorstep of your favorite music retailer.

You can just hear them screaming over at Capitol/EMI: "Whose idea was this?!?!? In case no one has noticed, we're getting squashed by a crushing mountain of debt, and the Stones have just split town! How are we supposed to make money on a pile of covers by a has-been of 70s-era countrypolitan schlock?

"How much did we pay this guy? Are they even our songs?! Are we really supposed to spend time and precious money getting "the word" out to the digerati on this crap? Did you actually pay for the "New or Noteworthy" display at Borders?

"How many units has this thing shipped? Is there anything happening on iTunes? You're paying attention to a record that can't crack the top 25 even on the Country chart?!?!?!? Were' not in the nostalgia business!!!!! Dump this like a hot potato and get your butts in gear! Or you're FIRED!!!!!!!"

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